On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 2:50 PM, Pratap Lakshman (VJ#SDK)
> Garrett,
> I apologize.
> I was not ignoring you. Yes, I am interested in feedback!
> The initial Array generics proposal did not include the thisObj param as it 
> was felt that it could open the door to some security issues. We were even 
> contemplating cutting Array generics from ES3.1 altogether. Later, based on 
> feedback from many of us on the discuss lists, we are going back to 
> specifying the Array Generics to include the "thisObj" param; these generics 
> will be available on Array.prototype. I am currently revising the proposal, 
> and it will include the following:
> Array.prototype.indexOf
> Array.prototype.lastIndexOf
> Array.prototype.every
> Array.prototype.some
> Array.prototype.forEach
> Array.prototype.map
> Array.prototype.filter
> and also,
> Array.prototype.reduce
> Array.prototype.reduceRight

I meant the top-level generics:

Array.forEach(arrayLike, fn);

It was not my argument for:

Array.prototype.forEach(fn[, thisArg]);

The thisArg was what Erik had brought up.

The other question was regarding the:
"If Type(callbackfn) is not a function, throw a TypeError exception."

ES 3.0 doesn't define "Function" as a Type. In fact, the spec often
uses: If "x is a Function". There is: "if Type(x) is Number", but not
"if Type(x) is Function". That is why I asked if ES 3.1 defines
Function for Type(). Does it?
ES 3.1: Type, section 8

If ES 3.0 had forEach, it would probably have read something along the
lines of one of:
1) If callbackfn does not implement [[Call]], throw a TypeError.
2) If callbackfn is not a function, throw a TypeError.

> I am not sure how you got unsubscribed; there must be some mistake!

I don't know either.


> pratap
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