On 6 February 2020 at 10:19, James W. MacDonald wrote:
| It's not clear from your question exactly what the behaviour is, but it
| sounds like auto complete?

No, I like autocomplete.

As I wrote in what is still below, I have irony-mode and other helpers.
But what is annoying as hell is that ESS decided to
  - move focus away from where I am (writing R code)
  - move to a completely new buffer (showing help I did not ask for)
  - require me to kill the new buffer to get back to where I was
which happens *each and every time* I type a token it knows and could
complete to a help page it then takes me to.

Anyone have an idea what I need to turn on to suppress this?

| On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 2:15 AM Dirk Eddelbuettel via ESS-help <
| ess-help@r-project.org> wrote:
| >
| > When I have e.g. a local variable arr (for array) and start typing
| >
| >   print(arr
| >
| > in an ESS buffer, I first (briefly) get a helpful and uninstrusive dropdown
| > starting with arrows, array and more.
| >
| > But annoyingly, a split second later it flips to a new help buffer
| > (entitled
| > *ess-command-output*) which the help text for arrows. I absolutely do not
| > want that.  I have been unable to turn it off though.
| >
| > I am running the last release, and I have a somewhat muddled .emacs also
| > enabled irony and a few more modes helpful for programming in different
| > languages, but this behaviour seems to be ESS specific. How do I stop it?
| >
| > Sorry to be asking such a noob question after what must now be a quarter
| > century of Emacs, R and ESS...
| >
| > Dirk
| >
| > --
| > http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org
| >
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| -- 
| James W. MacDonald, M.S.
| Biostatistician
| University of Washington
| Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
| 4225 Roosevelt Way NE, # 100
| Seattle WA 98105-6099

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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