On 7 February 2020 at 10:06, Tyler Smith via ESS-help wrote:
| On Fri, Feb 7, 2020, at 9:15 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel via ESS-help wrote:
| > 
| > On 7 February 2020 at 09:06, Alex Branham wrote:
| > | Can you reproduce this without your .emacs file?
| > 
| > But ESS would not be turned on without it.
| Since this only appears to be affecting your system, chances are there's   
something in your config involved.

Thanks to everybody who chimed in!  This thread has been helpful as this
seems to be local to my setup and not a general misfeature -- good.

| And since this just appeared, maybe it's a combination of a change in a 
recent ESS release that interacts badly?
| You can load ESS without your .emacs file via
|   emacs -Q
| followed by running the following code:
|   (require 'package)
|   (setq package-load-list
|       '((ess t)
|         (julia-mode t)))
|   (package-initialize)
| (assuming you installed via `package`)

Yes and no, kinda. I also have a bunch of Emacs packages from Debian / Ubuntu
but they too converted to using package via the melpa-$NAMEHER package setup.

| That would allow us to at least rule out a bug in the version of ESS you've 
got, and give you a starting place for adding your .emacs back in to narrow 
down the source of the problem.
| I have a directory of these snippets, `ess.el`, `auctex.el`, `org.el`, 
`polymode.el`, each with a minimal config for the package in question, since I 
regularly discover new ways to break things ;)

I hear you. 25 or so years with Emacs, mostly smooth, but getting a decent
C++ environment was a constant change. I really like what I have now, modulo
this nagging (and truly annoying) issue.

I'll poke. Maybe I even start from a virgin Docker container with the same
distro version and add package by package, starting with ess and polymode.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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