I wrote:
> >It's not going through DNS--that's a 32-bit IP address in decimal.  To
> >get a dotted address from it, convert the whole dern thing to hex, which
> >is D03E0622, then convert the bytes (pairs of numbers) individually to
> >decimal and put dots between them, ie:  It's a BellSouth.net
> >customer.

On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 12:35:07AM -0800, Dean Ridgway wrote:
> So what is the point of this?  It can't be an attempt to hide if it's that
> easy to figure out.

It doesn't conceal them from real experts, no.  But even fairly
computer-literate users are likely to have trouble understanding
what's going on; most likely they'll just toss the message.  Also, not
going through DNS means they can steal access from whereever.  When
that access is closed down (it may not even be theirs), they'll just
change it.
Randolph Fritz
Eugene, Oregon, USA

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