What about 37.com?  That must be resolved through DNS, but I thought domain
names had to start with a letter?  

At 12:58 AM 3/28/00 -0800, Randolph Fritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I wrote:
>> >It's not going through DNS--that's a 32-bit IP address in decimal.  To
>> >get a dotted address from it, convert the whole dern thing to hex, which
>> >is D03E0622, then convert the bytes (pairs of numbers) individually to
>> >decimal and put dots between them, ie:  It's a BellSouth.net
>> >customer.
>On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 12:35:07AM -0800, Dean Ridgway wrote:
>> So what is the point of this?  It can't be an attempt to hide if it's that
>> easy to figure out.
>It doesn't conceal them from real experts, no.  But even fairly
>computer-literate users are likely to have trouble understanding
>what's going on; most likely they'll just toss the message.  Also, not
>going through DNS means they can steal access from whereever.  When
>that access is closed down (it may not even be theirs), they'll just
>change it.
>Randolph Fritz
>Eugene, Oregon, USA

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