John Sechrest wrote:
>       I am teaching CS 312 again this fall. What if I hand
>       out some of these topics as homework/paper assignments.
>       I would also like to find a way to have an outside audience
>       for some of the topics. But I don't know how to get 30
>       students to make a one hour presentation each... So
>       I think I will have to skip that part of it.

Have them do it as teams.  Research together.  Each team member
talks an equal fraction of the presentation time.

>       Would small write-ups be an interesting thing for
>       me to post?

Like HOWTOs?  These are always welcome.  But they don't
provide the feedback that a live presentation allows.

> Seth Cohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  % Crossposted to euglug's mailing list....
>  %
>  % So long as you guys are looking at a list of topics (and for euglugers,
>  % they have listed a bunch more since), I'm going to suggest we try to
>  % cross-coordinate, and work together.  Nothing wrong with having duplicate
>  % presentations (Mike's database one was popular in both towns), but this
>  % way we can all hold better events...


Sometimes I can't make a presentation at the Corvallis LUG
that I really wanted to see.  It would be nice to be able to
see essentially the same thing at the Eugene.


>  % For less popular topics, maybe one meeting, and the people from the other
>  % town can carpool...  Unlike going to Portland, Corvallis/Eugene is a
>  % reasonable trip.

This would be good.

>  % Both our groups always need volunteers to present, so anyone
>  % who wants, please speak up....
>  %
>  % Seth

% > > > Intro   Emacs
% > > > X-Adv   Emacs Wizardry
I used to be pretty good at elisp.

% > > > Intro   Regular Expressions
I could do this.  There are some arcane REs I don't know.
But perhaps that's good enough.

% > > > Intro   what are my config files?
Not sure I can answer this one.  But this relates to something
I am interested in presenting at some point.  I have put together
a framework for quickly restoring the same configuration after
a full system install (e.g. RedHat6.0 -> RedHat6.2).  Is there
any interest in hearing this sort of thing?

I also have a framework for compiling kernels.  Interest?
Allen Brown
  work: Agilent Technologies      non-work:
  If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly. ---G. K.

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