Hi all,

I'm not sure if this is debian specific or not, but I recently
dumped a lot of .ttf files into a directory, added that directory to
my list of 'FontPath's in my XF86Config file, ran mkttfdir on that
directory.  When I tried to startx, it bombed saying it 

'failed to set default font path 'blahblahblah(allfontpaths)'
fatal server error:
could not open default font 'fixed'

In the truetype font directory, the fonts.dir file exists and has
entries.  If I run 'mkfontdir' on it, it basically replaces that
list with a 0 (b/c mkfontdir doesn't understand ttfs?) and the
server starts fine (although it says no fonts.dir was found in my
truetype fonts dir and is removing that from my fontPath).

I have the sharefonts and the freefonts installed.  Any ideas?


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