Hi Seth
Thanks for the response! The backgroung pics I mentioned are the landscape
photos from the themes. Is there a way to tell if a photo is PD or GPL
without running down the maker (some photos have no author)? Is it correct
that PD means no copyright limintations and GPL means free except for
commercial use?
>It really varies from item to item. Some are entirely free (PD), some are
>GPL (free). You really need to find out who made the item and ask.
>What background pictures? Many of the backgrounds that are 'tiled'
>are mostly free...
>On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Anahita and Yaqin wrote:
>> Hello
>> Does anyone know what the commercial use rules are on art and photos
>> available via the Linux community. An example would be the background
>> pictures. I design posters for sale and am interested in obtaining
>> permission if required.
>> thanks, Yaqin Sliwinski