On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 12:28:15PM -0700, Anahita and Yaqin wrote:
>Hi Seth
>Thanks for the response! The backgroung pics I mentioned are the landscape
>photos from the themes. Is there a way to tell if a photo is PD or GPL
>without running down the maker (some photos have no author)? Is it correct
>that PD means no copyright limintations and GPL means free except for
>commercial use?

Sort of...
PD (public domain) is fully free for you to do more work with and dispose 
how you will; you could take a PD image, add "RMS was here", and re-release
it as your own work, $9.95 not available in stores.
GPL (General Public License) is subject to the terms at 
http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ; in summary, you can do anything with
it, *except prevent someone else from redistributing it*.  If you take the
GPL'd image, add "long live Bill" and sell it for $9.95, you cannot prevent
the buyer from making copies and redistributing it.

Better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.  And if he can't
be bothered to learn to fish and starves to death, that's a good enough
outcome for me.
                                         -Steve VanDevender, 1 May 2000

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