
Your little linux machine is a PC.  (re: subject)

Depending on your distribution, you may already have an mp3 player loaded.

As rob suggested, xmms is an Xwindows based winamp-looking mp3 player.

Personally, I prefer mpg123, which is a console based mp3 player.

One can start playing an mp3, and then load Xwindows (I don't use xdm/gdm),
play around with other sounds, then close xwindows and return to the
console.  All without interrupting your playing of MP3's.  hA!  try that on

I am curious, why did you look to the quicktime site for an mp3 player?
Quicktime will play quicktime movies.

While you may not consider a 486 33 a serious PC, it is certainly enough to
load an all growed up Linux on it.  Unfortunately, Xwindows may not fit too
well in 8mb of memory.  I'd recommend learning the console.  One can browse
the web with lynx, play mp3's with mpg123, check email with mutt, fetchmail,
pine, mail and others.

This place, hotline, sounds like the next level of napster.  If you really
want to use their stuff, send them an email, asking for a linux version.  If
this place takes off, and they don't write linux clients, never fear.  A
linux friend will write a linux client, and append a G to the beginning of
the name.  Then you can commune with Ghotline.  On the otherhand, if a linux
client isn't developed, then it's probably not worth your time.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lindsay Crawford
Sent: 10/15/00 1:35 PM
Subject: MAC _&_ PC (no LINUX?)

Dear Friends,

I have not been able to get to the meetings of late or do much more
than read the list, only because I've been busy with survival.  

My machine is still bogging in Netscape Navigator, and otherwise
hanging, and I'm still looking for answers.

Meanwhile there's another problem.  Compatibility.

How does one play MP3 files in Linux?

I went to the quicktime site and they have no LINUX software, at
least not when I was there.  

And now this:

Once again, PC or MAC, no Linux.  I was really counting on using
this site and now I don't know what to do.  I doubt my old 486 33
with 8 meg would be any use for these modern programs.  I don't
have access to a serious PC nor can I afford one.  Access, well,
the Springfield library now has internet access, but I don't know
what good that would do.  Still, I should look at them.

Thanks in advance,

Lindsay Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> @97478
13:33 PDT Sunday 15 October  2000

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