On Tue, Feb 27, 2001 at 10:45:16AM -0800, Bob Crandell wrote:
> In the market place of ideas and idea or opinion is as divisive
> as we want to make it.  Anger and name calling is uncalled for
> whether it's politics, religion or operating systems.  Almost
> everyone has a good idea wrapped up in their rhetoric.  It's up
> to this group to find that idea and figure out how to make it
> benefit the most people.
> MS Windows is the most bug infested glorified menuing system we
> love to pick on.  To do a print screen, press the print screen
> button.  Is it that easy in Gnome or KDE?  How do we get it that
> way?
> Exploring faults is easy.  Just ask your spouse.  Finding good
> ideas in the opinions expressed by "the dark side" can be a real
> challenge.
> If we put an Apple AirPort on top of the Citizen's Bank
> building, how many people could use it?  Could we route between
> that and one on top of the Eugene Hotel?  I guess if the AirPort
> is attached to a network, it wouldn't matter what platform the
> end user had.  Right?
> Enough of this.  I have to get back to work.
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/27/2001 9:59:45 AM >>>
> Sounds about right to me.
> <snip>
> Mine is that none of this has to do with Linux and is a divisive
> distraction
> among an otherwise congenial group of people who share a common
> interest in that
> operating system.
OK, sorry if I offended anyone or wasted precious bandwidth/diskspace
by going off on a political tangent.  I consider myself a liberal,
although not a Demopublicrat.  As such, I wanted to point out that
name calling is a two way street.  Aparently, I'm not as eloquent as
Mr. Crandell.  Thanks Bob.  
Anyway, as it would be hard to argue that a wireless network would infringe
on someone's religous beliefs, maybe we should all go to the next City Council
meeting and ask the City for its blessing to install a network downtown.
I've also heard through the grapevine that several civic leaders want Eugene
to be thought of as the "Greenwich Village of the West".  MAybe if we could
dress up the antennae as some kind of high class art, the city would even kick
in some funding.


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