Thats gone up by 3 machines since I wrote the last message. (less than 5 minutes

On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 04:00:10PM -0700, Christopher Maujean wrote:
> While in the error_log  for one of my virtual hosts, I did a grep for 
> Aug and default.ida. Piped through wc -l 
> 791  ( number of individual requests ) 
> 202  ( number of individual ip addresses making those requests ) 
> 7823 ( number of individual ip addresses making requests for default.ida to
> every host on my machine )
> if the following is correct: (I am running it from the directory
> containing a directory for each virtual host)
> (
>   grep default.ida */error_log | 
>   grep 'Aug .* 2001' | 
>   cut -d' ' -f8| sed 's/]//' 
> )  | sort -u | wc -l
> Wow. No wonder our server is slow.
> -- 
> Christopher Maujean
> IT Director
> Premierelink Communications
> PLEASE encrypt all sensitive information using the following:
> GnuPG: 0x5DE74D38
>        Fingerprint: 91D4 09FE 18D0 27C1 A857  0E45 F8A4 7858 5DE7 4D38


Christopher Maujean
IT Director
Premierelink Communications

PLEASE encrypt all sensitive information using the following:
GnuPG: 0x5DE74D38
       Fingerprint: 91D4 09FE 18D0 27C1 A857  0E45 F8A4 7858 5DE7 4D38

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