So... I finally got the laptop to install slackware, but I have a recurring 
issue.. (Ive re-installed slack several times now with the same results...) 
The issue seems to be realated to INIT. Its having trouble executing  (its 
like it cant see the hard disk partition... After the kernel loads and free's 
unused memory, init starts up, and promptly whines that it cannot execute 
/etc/rc.d/rc.S, the rc.M, ... and a bunch of not executing /sbin/agetty. Ive 
booted from ftoppy (note, I get the same errors if I boot the floppy disk, 
but mount /dev/hda1 with lilo). and can mount /dev/hda1 at /mnt, and look 
things over. Everything Ive looked at seems fine though (I checked all my rc 
files, they exist, are not 0 bytes, and have the proper attirbutes. I checked 
agetty, its there, its fine... but init cant execute it!

The nice thing is that even with 2 versions of slackware, I get the same 
results (and have installed several times). What really messes witrh my head 
is the fact that its reading the kernel from that partition, and /sbin/init 
(and presumably /etc/inittab) but yet it cannot execute my rc files, or 
agetty (which means no login!.

any ideas? anyone see this one before? I have found lots of references on 
google, but no definative answers.


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