I tried adding glibc, but it reqired 91 megs, which filled the filesystem (as 
I only had 50 megs free.... well... time to start again....


On Monday 25 February 2002 23:03, you wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Linux Rocks ! wrote:
> >     After checking out /bin/sh and /bin/bash, I found that if I tried
> > executing bash, it complained /mnt/bin/bash: error in loading shared
> > llibraries: libdl.so.2: connot open shared object file: No such file or
> > directory So... I looked and there was no /mnt/lib/libdl.so.2 (but ther
> > was libdl.so.1.9.9) So... I made a symlink from libdl.so.2 to
> > libdl.so.1.9.9 and get another error about libc.so.5 (but I dont seem to
> > have one...) so... I copyied the bash that on the floppy (its a different
> > file than the bash on the disk....) to /mnt/bin/bash (and saved
> > /mnt/bin/bash as bash.orig) and removed and created another symlink from
> > sh to bash, but I still get the same wowes.
> >Im guessing that somehow bash is corrupted, and or libraries are not
> >installed... more mucking to continue...
> Libraries not installed.
> In particular, you are apparently missing at least part of libc6, AKA
> glibc2. On Slack 7.1, you should find /lib/libdl-2.1.3.so, and
> /lib/libdl.so.2 should be a symbolic link to it.  Do NOT link libdl.so.2 to
> libdl-1.9.9.so-- the latter is (I think) part of the old libc5, and mixing
> and matching library versions like that is Asking For Trouble(TM).
> Make sure you have both the "glibc" and "glibcso" packages installed.  (You
> didn't by any chance install using the "expert" mode, did you?  If so, try
> installing with "menu" mode instead...it knows that packages like glibc and
> glibcso are vital, and won't let you skip them.)
>                - Neil Parker, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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