It's a very good idea, very chaordic.

You just need to start spreading it.

1. think up neat new concept that would work if a significant segment  of
the population used it

2. put up a web page to explain it

3. get all your friends to submit it to slashdot.

4. survive the slashdotage

5. uh, profit ; from living in a better less coercive world.

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, Tim Howe wrote:

> I've been kicking around this thought I've been having today and I thought I would 
>throw it out here for peer review...
> It seems to me that when it comes to p2p networks, and the problems file sharing is 
>having with the RIAA, the entire landscape of the argument could be changed in the 
>favor of the sharers fairly easily.
> Basically what I am proposing is that file sharers use the network to spread 
>exposure for small, unknown artists.  These artists would then, in theory, become 
>much more widely known.  Perhaps even extremely well known.  This popularity should 
>equal success for them.  If the P2P networks are anywhere near the powerful forces 
>that they are made out to be, this should be very possible.  We would then have a 
>number of artists who owe their fame to P2P networks.  This would eliminate (or at 
>least steal the thunder from) the arguments that P2P hurts artists.  At the same 
>time, ready-made spokespersons would have been created...  I also believe our pop 
>culture would change for the better, but that's just me.
> I think it would kind of work like this:
> First, buy a CD from a local band or artists and rip into oggs.  You have just 
>started the trend by buying that artist a meal. =]
> Then (and this needs to be a standard), name the file as you normally would, but 
>include some sort of universal marker designating it as a small, local artist (local 
>for someone anyway).  For example localA-Plaid_Toungued_Devils-Lucy.ogg.
> Then, a small percentage of people need to search for "localA".  Download and 
>listen.  If it's good, consider getting the CD of an unknown instead of M&M next time 
>you get the urge to buy some music.  You'll probably have to buy it online, but hey, 
>you already know how to use the internet, right?
> If this started as a trend, one that got press, would it have a significantly 
>possitive result?  I don't know, I'm asking.
> --TimH
> -- 
> feelin' hella good, so let's just keep on hackin'
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