Without having the answer you may want to expand on if 'Restarting the 
server' means rebooting or web server restart, i.e .../httpd restart.
Also, when web server slows down does a local 'lynx IP-of-interface'
behave the same?
 Would a frequent cron job be able to detect, e.g. huge amount of httpd
children, or other odd symptons,... and then call the reboot or httpd
restart? --there may be symptoms visible before the slowdown reaches the
 Certainly an every 15 min cron job that calls a logging script with
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >> $yourChoice
date >> $yourChoice
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >> $yourChoice
pstree >> $yourChoice
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >> $yourChoice
ps -Afl >> $yourChoice
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >> $yourChoice
top -b -n 1 >> $yourChoice
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >> $yourChoice

would help with the diagnostics (but don't let it grow out of control)

 - Horst

On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Tim Howe wrote:

> I have a heavily used web server that has been deciding to simply stop serving pages 
>for up to 20 minutes at a time...  I have already tried all manner of Apache and OS 
>tweeks to stop this but nothing seems to work.  Restarting the server puts everything 
>back on track.  What I would like to do, until I find a real fix, is have a Perl 
>program try to connect to that machine on port 80, and if it fails to get a page 
>within, say, 5 seconds, to restart the server.
> I have found a bunch of modules that will ping and or connect to web servers, but 
>none of them seem to have a good way to time the response.  Any suggestions?
> TimH
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