On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 11:59:14PM +0000, Bob Crandell wrote:
> I'm soo confused.

Yeah, sendmail lives on DNS ... it gets confisung easily.

> >Right.  The mail should be going to inbound.crandell.net.criticalpath.net,
> >not ocicat.crandell.net.

Is this a correct statement on my part?

> Ocicat mails directly.  If I used a smart relay host, it would be
> mailhost.nu-world.com.

I find it easier to relay all my mail through the same relay, instead
of having individual hosts send mail directly (because then only the
relay has to masquerade names and such) ... and have all incoming
mail go to a single server (with a backup).

Does ocicat have a DNS server on it?  What does

$ dig crandell.net MX

(the 'MX' is important) show on ocicat?  And if ocicat has a dns server
listening on localhost,

$ dig @localhost crandell.net MX

would be more relevant.

And finally, are you sending the mail to 'JohnL' or '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'?

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