I just signed up as an agent.  I hope it doesn't become embarrassing.

Edward Craig ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote*:
>On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, Jacob Meuser wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 12:36:58PM -0600, Consorcio Software Libre wrote:
>> > developing a new business model
>> Sounds like common practice to me, just worded a little differently.
Not all that common for a Costa Rican consortium to try to expand
>to Eugene via Vancouver, B.C.  At least that's what looking a little at
>their sites suggests to me.
There are at least two of their userID's subscribed to eug-lug.
>I'd want to see more from one or both of them before writing them off as
>spam or scam.
Way better English than my Spanish, a bit better than my German
>for that matter, even if I think an English proofreading could have
>improved the canned announcement just a little.
>Eug-LUG mailing list

Bob Crandell
Assured Computing
When you need to be sure.
Voice 541-689-9159
FAX   240-371-7237
Eugene, Or. 97402

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