On Sun, Dec 29, 2002 at 06:35:15PM -0800, Dexter Graphic wrote:

> Thanks, Dan and Joseph, for explaining. I mistakenly
> assumed that 10 days was enough time to get a Linux
> mail system up and running. And from some of Dan's
> comments on the activism list, I thought he'd given 
> up all hope of it ever working. Just trying to help.

The best way I have figured out to get a Linux mail system up and
running is the following.

1)  Don't use sendmail-- use postfix instead.  Postfix is much easier to
configure, especially if you have an intermittent dial-up connection.  While 
not as scalable as sendmail, it is way more than enough for most sites.  It 
is also *way* more secure than sendmail.  It is also

2)  After you install sendmail, install mutt.  Now, send mail from one
account to another on the local system, to make sure it works.  It
should do this out of the box.  I'm not sure about Debian, but with some
distributions, you will need to create your spoolfiles.

3)  Next, start sending mail from accounts on the system to a remote
system which you can access by telnet or ssh.  You will need to edit
your postfix /etc/postfix/main.cf file.  You should only need to change
3-4 lines.  You will also need to add a coupla lines to you .muttrc file
to get the headers right.

4)  When you get the headers right, it's time to install and configure
fetchmail.  This is pretty easy-- there's not a lot to a .fetchmailrc

If needed, I can supply working configuration files, but not until after
the 1st, as I'll being flying back into Portland tomorrow, and be back
on the 1st.

Unix *is* user friendly.  It's just picky about its friends.....
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