You can try:
 open(WRITE_FILE, "> output.html") or die "Couldn't open output.html!";
 print WRITE_FILE <<"EOF";
 print WRITE_FILE "</html>";
 close(WRITE_FILE) or die "Couldn't close output.html!";

For scanning for logins you could use the File::Tail module and tail your 
messages log.  I wrote a similar script that tailed a log file looking for 
certain events.


On Saturday 29 March 2003 03:50 pm, Timothy Bolz wrote:
> I'm have a perl script which I want to make a web page and put it into a
> specific directory.   And If I wanted to put some of the variables into the
> page how would I do this? I found how to make some of it.  From what it
> looks like I would do the below examples.
> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> print "<HTML><HEAD>\n";
> print "<TITLE>Title Test</TITLE>\n";
> print "</HEAD>\n";
> print "<BODY><A HREF=\"";>Euglug</A>\n";
> print "</BODY></HTML>";
> or
> print << ENDHTML;
> html code
> or
> print << EOM
> html code
> Now what if I want the page to called IP&ports.html how do I name it that
> and then put it in a specific directory.  I did a shell scripts which did
> this but I lost it, and Perl is different.  Would it be "EOM
> >>IP&ports.html" or "ENDHTML >> IP&ports.html"?
> I would like to use TK with Perl to make a pop up window with the same
> information.  Any suggestions on how to do this or links to a site which
> can help?   I thought about having a script if anyone logs into a shell it
> would pop up a window saying who logged in.
> Thanks
> Tim

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