What's the name of the class that's not named the RedHat Certified
Engineer prep class?

I also noticed that there is another Python class this summer...
1640 Programming for Fun, 6-9 pm, R, Jun 26-Aug 14, DTC 124 (24 hrs.
$66 + $27 fee)
Learn the basics of programming with Python, a powerful, yet easy to
learn and is freely available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Covers the
basics and prepares you for programming the web, graphics, games and
more. Course offered Summer only. - Meyers


> On 20030529.1331, Ken Barber said ...
> Folks,
> Lane Community College is dipping its toe into the water (so to 
> speak) of teaching Linux classes at the DownTown Center (DTC) 
> near 11th & Willamette.
> For summer term, we're offering a "Linux for Newbies" class and a 
> class that is more-or-less a preparation class for the RedHat 
> Certified Engineer certification (but we can't call it that, 
> OK?).
> I am teaching both classes.
> If you know anyone who could benefit from either class please 
> encourage her/him to sign up.  Details are on page 15 of the LCC 
> Summer Class Schedule that probably arrived in your mailbox last 
> week.
> I would like LCC to offer more Linux classes but so far the ideas 
> I've pitched haven't sounded interesting enough to the 
> powers-that-be.  Among the ideas I've pitched are OpenOffice for 
> M$ Office users, The Gimp, and LTSP for K12 network admins.  
> Anyone who has any other ideas (that you think people would sign 
> up for) please let me know.  LCC needs at least five people in a 
> class in order for it to "go."
> Thanks,
> Ken
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