On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 09:40:57PM -0700, Mr O wrote:
> How many have experience with working systems taking up less
> than 512MB or smaller for the full system?? After taking a nice
> long liesurely ride with Larry and touching on the topic, I was
> thinking it's something I'd like to do. My initial goals are to
> only have a 256MB CF card with everything needed to boot the
> system and start the needed services. (Samba, NFS, SSH, distcc)
> >From there the RAID array would handle dishing out the data and
> a RAM disk if neccessary for faster response than the CF would
> allow. Forgive me for any bad spellings or english since I'm
> doing fine with my Fat Tire :)
> Thanks y'all
> Mr O.

I have a 200mb debian firewall, it even has a bunch of X libraries so I
can run ethereal remotely, as well as perl.

Knoppix was mentioned, but that is debian.  If you want a really mini
system, go with a really mini distro.  However if you want a small
system (150mb-512mb), go with debian as you have access to the full
distribution of almost 10,000 packages.

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5             1.9G  199M  1.5G  11% /
/dev/hda1              11M  3.4M  7.4M  31% /boot

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