We are running Cyrus at PEAK. 

It does some things nicely.

However, it has broken all of the procmail and .forward 
based mail filtering. And so has broken many people.

I have chosen to take spam instead of moving to cyrus personally
because I process on the order of 4000 messages a day. And
with Cyrus breaking all the tools that I currently use, I would
not be able to function.

Cyrus uses a specific structure for message storage. And
as such, samba would not work underneath it.

I would leave an escape for the onid users who try to filter
mail. Loosing procmail is a big loss. The cyrus filter tools
are not nearly as flexible nor as powerful.

Cooper Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 % Scott,
 % > 
 % > We're accomplishing the same with a slightly different setup:
 % > 
 % > postfix + amavisd + spamassasin + clamav + cyrus imapd
 % Right, but Cyrus's IMAP server, while very fast and scalable, does not
 % (to the best of my knowledge) allow an administrator to mount Samba
 % shares under it's IMAP namespace. Don't get me wrong, I love Cyrus but
 % it employs it's own indexing, making it a "black box" for server shares.
 % If you know a way to do this, I am all ears as I found Cyrus's IMAP
 % server very reliable and fast. 
 % > 
 % > Right now we have 2 forward facing mail relays that handle email for
 % > most all of campus.  These relays run amavisd which is sort of a
 % > container for all of these tools like spamassasin and clamav.  It allows
 % > you to quickly and easily modify your filtering tools without having to
 % > muck with Postfix.
 % Love Amavisd for virus scanning to protect Windows clients. Does Amavisd
 % let you call SpamAssassin during the MTA phase?
 % > 
 % > This summer we're switching to using lmtp to deliver to a Cyrus IMAP
 % > store for all 35,000 ONID accounts.  I'm just as curious as all of you
 % > are on how that is going to work ... :-)
 % :-) !!

John Sechrest          .         Helping people use
CTO PEAK -              .           computers and the Internet
Public Electronic         .            more effectively
Access to Knowledge,Inc       .                      
1600 SW Western, Suite 180       .            Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corvallis Oregon 97333               .                  (541) 754-7325
                                            . http://www.peak.org/~sechrest
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