On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 07:16:42PM -0700, Bob Miller wrote:
>john fleming wrote:
>> Aside from blackhat reasons what are some situations that require this I 
>> haven't forgotten my password yet but I'm sure that has happened. Once 
>> when very new to linux I had someone work on my  box and I didn't 
>> remember them telling me what the password was . How many can the 
>> experienced admins list?
>Losing your root password is really the only reason.  But there
>are lots of ways to lose your password.
>       Plumb forgot.
>       Sysadmin out sick/quit/fired/died/on vacation/amnesiac.
>       Script kiddies broke in and changed it.
>       Can't remember which server this is.  (Don't laugh until
>               you've been responsible for 20 systems.)

        Lost media containing personal copy of password (palmtop crashed,
        postit note went through laundry, etc) (see above comment. as
        an auth token, passwords really suck, for this among other reasons)

        made booboo with vipw and didn't notice at time

"That time in Seattle... was a nightmare.  I came out of it dead broke,
without a house, without anything except a girlfriend and a knowledge of
UNIX."  "Well, that's something," Avi says.  "Normally those two are
mutually exclusive."                    --Neal Stephenson, "Cryptonomicon"
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