So... I like Eterm, many other users like it too... one of the nice things 
about eterm is the ability for transparency and tint/shading... 
I found a script on the net to make new eterm sessions w/random tint, and 
modified it to add shading... here it is if you want to use it too!

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

$geometry = "80x27";
$name = "RandomTerm";
#$shade = 00;
$shade = int( rand( 100 ) );
$tint = int( rand( 255 ) ) . int( rand( 255 ) ) . int( rand( 255 ) );
$options = "-b black -f white --geometry $geometry --name $name --trans 
--shade $shade --tint $tint --scrollbar no";

exec( "Eterm $options &" )

If you dont like the shade (which can be real dark!) you can  remove the 
comment mark (#) on the first $shade line, and comment out  the second. 
Alternatively, you can reduce the shading  by changing the 100 (in the second 
shade  line)  to a lower value (I actually  use 60, which limits the shading 
to a maximum of  60%)


How do you power off this machine?
        -- Linus, when upgrading, and after using the machine 
for several months

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