On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 12:20:17PM -0700, justin bengtson wrote:
> tell that to RMS and the FSF crowd.  i'm not going to get into this debate
> because it's pointless.  my beliefs and yours are different.  need i remind you
> how many religions exist, much less how many different _licenses_ exist?
> besides, i recall saying something about "if the software was truely free, it
> would be in the public domain"...
My point was that you should not put your philosophy (like, I believe..
I don't believe...) in the license.  The license will be an example of
your philosophy, but your philosophy itself does not belong in the
document.  Whether or not I tell the RMS/FSF crowd doesn't matter for
your license.

> > Note that you are forcing the user to have alternative licensed data.
> > Perhaps they consider the graphics for their program as IP and want
> > only to receive credit for it, but would otherwise want it
> > redistributable.
> i am considering contracting graphics/data work to other friends of mine, and
> they may have different ideas about IP than i do.  hence, the statement. 
So is this just a license for yourself, or are you making a license that
others might use?  If it is just for yourself, why have so much

> > They may
> > also use it regardless of a loophole, just to see if the copyright
> > holder has enough financial resources to sue.
> in that case, what's the point of the GPL?
As to others using the breaking the license to see if someone will sue,
that can be done with any license.  The abuser hopes that the holder
doesn't have enough resources.  In the case of the linux, there are
enough users and vendors to make a big stink and do something about it
(hopefully).  In the case of some "cory's program" released under the
gpl.  Well, who knows?


Cory Petkovsek                                       Adapting Information
Adaptable IT Consulting                                Technology to your   
(541) 914-8417                                                   business
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  www.AdaptableIT.com
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