On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 10:16:48AM -0700, Ken Barber wrote:
> On Thursday 09 October 2003 12:56, Linux Rocks ! wrote:
> >     I'll assume you mean "the beautiful gift of linux". I agree...
> > it was funny for about 15 minutes, and seth printed way to many
> > of them (like 5000 or something) many years later we still have
> > about %75 of them...
> Really?  I'd like to have a few of 'em...  I think they're a great 
> spoof on the Jack Chick tracts (chick.com, if you can hold your 
> stomach long enough to look at the site) that are like frickin' 
> catnip for Christians....

Sheesh, one woman admits to being a litter bug on the website:
                        Being shy didn't stop me
"My husband is a minister who does evangelistic work, but I am shy. I am
active in my church but I wanted so much to witness to non-Christians...
I have been leaving Chick tracts everywhere! I leave them on shelves in
the grocery store and drug stores, on phone booths, on newspaper boxes,
in restaurants, in public restrooms, at the doctor's office. I made
special trips to the local health department, WIC clinic, homeless
health clinic...just to leave tracts. Even the food stamp office and
Dept. of Human Services waiting rooms. The public library. Outside the
high school in a bad neighborhood. I wrap them in plastic and toss them
in driveways! I scan the local section of our paper for people convicted
of DUI or other crimes and mail the tracts! If people did this in every
town, so many could be reached. Oh yes, I send SOMEBODY LOVES ME to
abortion clinics."

Wrap them in plastic and toss them on driveways!!?  Then she scans the
paper for people committing crimes and spams them!  Sheesh, maybe we
should give her the addresses of some spammers!


Cory Petkovsek                                       Adapting Information
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(541) 914-8417                                                   business
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