On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 02:35:51PM -0700, Linux Rocks ! wrote:
> Joseph, as usual, your making incorrect assumptions. I never mentioned 
> slackware (or debian for that matter...) to her, nor in my message.

I made no assumptions.

Save of course the fairly safe one that the average computer user isn't
going to be able to figure out how to compile a kernel (a near requirement
of every single linux dist out there) nor understand the details of how to
partition a hard drive.

> The fact that she couldnt even install a mouse leads me to belive that she 
> couldnt install windows, or linux, so why should I assume she would be 
> installing linux herself? 

"My computer doesn't work."
"Mine works fine because I use this other software, it's really cool!"

Gee, what assumptions do YOU make when you see that kind of thing?  I
think it is irresponsible to direct complete technophobes to Linux if
only because it will further the reputation that Linux is too hard to
actually use.

> If she wants to curse me for blowing her windows partition, when all I said is 
> that with linux, you never have those problems (I also suggested a mac... 
> (lets face it, even joseph can use a mac!) then she's probably about as dumb 
> as someone that makes stupid assumptions!

Like the stupid assumption, perhaps, that someone who can't even figure
out a mouse is going to be able to use anything other than what they
already know (even if only passingly) maybe?

Before you start throwing words like "stupid" around Jamie, perhaps you
should expand your worldview a little and apply some thought to the matter
of effective advocacy.
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