Ken Barber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > : On Sat, Oct 11, 2003 at 04:29:21PM -0700, Linux Rocks ! wrote:
> > : >  I talked to someone that was having a bad MS day 
> > : > [snip] I told her that w/linux, you dont
> > : > ever have that problem!
> > On Saturday 11 October 2003 03:11 pm, T. Joseph Carter wrote:
> > : And now she's going to go out and get slackware and hate it
> > : and curse you when she finds out that it blew away her
> > : windows partition..
> On Sunday 12 October 2003 14:35, Linux Rocks ! wrote:
> > Joseph, as usual, your making incorrect assumptions. I never
> > mentioned slackware [steadily increasing flamage snipped]
> Boys, boys....  getting a little hotheaded here, aren't you?
> I HOPE Joseph was joking.  'Coz if he wasn't, he still shouldn't 
> be taken seriously....

Joking? I dont think aserting that I would be so irresponsible as to try
to get someone to wreck their computer/data as funny. do you?
If this were the first time joseph had said something like that, I might
have been more polite, however he has made simular remarks in the past,
and I havnt really done anything about it, so... I guess he feels
comfortable making such comment about me. I feel its time he get over
his problem (whatever it is), and stop making stupid comments regarding

Ill continue this with him offlist. Im sorry to offend anyone on the
list with such nonesense.


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