On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 11:23:49AM -0700, Bob Miller wrote:
> It wasn't on my Gentoo box, because the latest unmasked xscreensaver
> is 4.10.  So I brought in the unstable version, 4.13:
>       # env ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge xscreensaver
> Today I have "emerge sync"d and I want to update world, but don't want
> xscreensaver to revert to 4.10.  I can't figure out how to do that.
> How can I permanently declare that I want xscreensaver at rev. 4.13
> without changing my whole box to unstable?

unfortunately, there is no easy way to solve this problem. The simplest
way would be to just mark xscreensaver-4.13 stable after each sync. You
can do this by just edit the xscreensaver-4.13.ebuild and change ~x86 to

If you have many unstable ebuilds you want to use, then you might look
into either modifying your profile or create a local portage tree. 

Jack Morgan                                     
pub  1024D/620F545F 2002-06-18 Jack Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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