On Monday 27 October 2003 23:11, Larry Price wrote:

> and they are using the sco approach to making friends
> http://www.flux.org/pipermail/linux/2002-November/011103.html


> And please folks,
> don't give money to Real.com
> don't give pageviews to them
> write polite but firm emails to media outlets that only make
> their content available in their formats
> mercilessly mock people who use use their product
> This is a company that wants to own your eyes and ears, don't
> give them any help.

Are you aware that Real.com has had a change of heart?  Did you 
miss their announcement at Linuxworld last August?

I don't have time to look up the references right now -- I 
shouldn't even be reading my Eug-lug mail (but I can't 
resist....) but they have embraced Open Source and are seeking 
developers to assist in developing an Open Standard format for 
audio.  The project is called Helix something-or-other if you 
want to do a Google search.

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