> From: Larry Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [eug-lug]make -d s foo
> Does anyone know of a good resource to help decode the intricacies of 
> make
> (BSD make in this case although gmake _should_ be bug compatible)
> specifically the default suffix and filename expansion rules which do 
> not seem to be
> listed in the man page .
> so far I've found Fowler's original paper, and the gnu documentation 
> page
> but nothing that answers my question.
> which is, where are the suffix expansion rules defined?

Take a look* in /usr/share/doc/psd/ . Chapter 12 covers BSD 'make'.
My copy of "Porting UNIX Software" also covers BSD make. Let me
know if you want to borrow it.

* the is on NetbSD; FreeBSD is probably similar though.

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