At 07:26 AM 12/29/03, Bob Miller wrote:
Larry Price wrote:

> This is kind of a borderline question;
> A disk was intentionally zero'd out using
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda
> however the DOS fdisk utility couldn't rebuild the partition table
> afterwards.
> Is it possible that the rather radical data-ectomy performed
> might have damaged the low-level formatting of the disk?

Very unlikely.  I've repartitioned disks that way many times using
Linux's fdisk.  Depending on the exact solar angles of incidence and
scattering on the lunar surface, you might need to reboot Linux after
the dd operation to flush the old partition table out of the kernel.

I've never done this using DOS, but you might need to reboot there,

I suggest KNOPPIX. (-:

Also, there is some malware* called EZdrive that takes the first
sector of the disk, installs its own driver there, and moves the
user-visible partition table somewhere else on the disk.  If you don't
know it's there, it can mess with you.

Check out Chapter 8 of the Large Disk Howto.

* It's "legitimate malware".  People pay for it and install it
  intentionally, and it allegedly does something useful.  But it's a
  pain for Linux users.

Bob Miller                              K<bob>
kbobsoft software consulting                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EuG-LUG mailing list

I've used that command (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda) when starting from scratch, and the hard drives are just fine. Bob's suggestion of using DOS's fdisk /mbr should work to rebuild the partition table. Also, Linux's fdisk will do this. It automatically detects a missing partition table and builds a new one. Just remember to (w)rite the partition table before exiting the program. And then reboot, for the reason Bob mentioned.

Jason Dommasch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

EuG-LUG mailing list

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