On Sat, Mar 20, 2004 at 11:53:47AM -0800, Harald Sundt wrote:
> In  Unix/Linux is there a need for Optimization and which are the 
> best programs for this?
> I come from a traditional Mac Background. I run a Mac Household. 
> There optimizing really helped. The work I've done for clients (I am 
> a Home Health Aide), using Windoze has shown me that they can do 
> their optimizing without going to a Boot-Up Disk, unlike a Mac that 
> can't do optimizing of a drive you boot from. I VAGUELY recall a 
> Linux maven saying "Unix drive doesn't need optimizing they're swap 
> disks are so efficient."

Windows' "optimizing" involves defragmenting the drive.

MacOS X optimizing is simply updating the prebinding so that programs load
a bit faster.

Prebinding is available for Linux and some flavors do it.  Most didn't,
although the advantages are big enough I'll expect that to change more and
more over time.

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