Sorry, I didn't look at your detailed config changes, BUT
a *.pid file often signals to the *deamon (*d in ps -ef) that a process is running with the ID of the content of the *.pid file.
The *.pid file usually contains the 16bit PID (nothing in it doesn't sound right, 'not right' as in buggy --I trust what you said)
A civilized shutdown of a deamon usually removes the *.pid file.

Just try to remove the *.pid file and restart mysqld.

Is there a -v or --verbose, or debug option to get get more feedback when it fails?

Hippie Holidays...................... Horst

Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2004 16:03:43 -0800
From: Zeb Packard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Eug-lug] I'm having a "little" trouble getting MySQL going

Hey I'm having problems getting mysql started on slackware. First I had a problem with the preinstalled version so I uninstalled it and reinstalled mysql 4.1.8 figuring starting from the begining might help. It sure seemed like it was going to be better this time but when I run:

bash-2.05b# ./bin/mysqld_safe

I get this:
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /mysql/data
STOPPING server from pid file /mysql/data/
041224 14:42:49  mysqld ended

I looked at my pid file and there is nothing in there. If that means anything.
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