On Wednesday 09 February 2005 10:22 am, Jason wrote:
: Hal:
: I am in Comcast's 24 space, and am not having problems
: today. To note, there was about a 10 minute outage
: early Tuesday morning (around 1:00am). That's been it
: in recent weeks.
I noticed that too... it was about 1/2 hour for me. I also woke up today to 
find the internet down... took about 20 minutes, and rebooting my routers... 
but then it was back.

Ive had simular problems as hal. I added some other nameservers to my 
resolv.conf, and that seems to help.


: Jason
: --- Hal Pomeranz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: > Sending this out to the list in the hopes that I'm
: > not going insane...
: >
: > My home Internet connection is Comcast (I'm
: > currently addressed in
: > their 67.170.172/24 address space).  I'm having this
: > weird problem
: > where I can reach some Internet sites and not
: > others.  For example, I
: > can reach my own web site (www.deer-run.com),
: > www.cisco.com, and my
: > alma mater www.swarthmore.edu.  I can't reach
: > www.sans.org or
: > www.dictionary.com.  I see the packets go out, but
: > nothing comes back.
: >
: > Routing issue?  Who knows?  Comcast is no help.  Any
: > other local
: > Comcast customers experiencing similar problems?
: >
: > --
: > Hal Pomeranz, Founder/CEO      Deer Run Associates
: >     Network Connectivity and Security, Systems
: > Management, Training
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