Sure thing.

I do as much work as I can in SQL Server through Query Analyzer rather
than Enterprise Manager, so here are the scripts I use for backing up
and restoring individual databases.

USE master
EXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'DatabaseBackup', '\\Path\to\database\file.bak'

BACKUP DATABASE Database TO DatabaseBackup

USE master
FROM DatabaseBackup

EXEC sp_dropdevice 'DatabaseBackup'

This is the perl script that writes out all the database changes. The
HMS include is something we use in-house that helps with printing
debug output so that bit would need to be removed before this would

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use Getopt::Std;
use HMS::Configuration;
use Win32::OLE 'in';
use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft SQLDMO';


my %opts;

getopts('S:d:o:u:p:', \%opts);  #get command line arguments
my ($servername, $dbname, $user, $password, $output) =
       ($opts{S}, $opts{d}, $opts{u}, $opts{p}, $opts{o});
#check if the required command-line arguments are present
(defined $servername && defined $output) or printusage();

my $server = Win32::OLE->new('SQLDMO.SQLServer2') or die "***Err:
could not create SQLDMO object.";

if (defined $user) {
   $server->{LoginSecure} = 0;     #SQL connection
else {
   $server->{LoginSecure} = 1;     #trusted connection

#make the connection to the server
$server->connect($servername, $opts{u}, $opts{p});
! Win32::OLE->LastError() or die "***Err: SQLDMO could not connect to

#my $db = $server->Databases($dbname);
##script the database creation
#$db->Script(SQLDMOScript_Default | SQLDMOScript_AppendToFile |
#            SQLDMOScript_IncludeHeaders | SQLDMOScript_Drops |
#            SQLDMOScript_ToFileOnly, "$output\\db.sql");

foreach my $db (in ($server->Databases())) {

   my $dbname = $db->{Name};
   print "scripting $dbname\n" if debug();

   my $tables = $server->Databases($dbname)->Tables();
   ! Win32::OLE->LastError() or die "***Err: could not get the tables
in $dbname.";

   #script tables including DRI constraints
   foreach my $obj (in($tables)) {
       my $name = $obj->{Name};
       print "scripting table $name\n" if debug();
       if (($obj->TypeOf()) == SQLDMOObj_UserTable) {
           $obj->Script(SQLDMOScript_Default |
                        SQLDMOScript_OwnerQualify |
SQLDMOScript_IncludeHeaders |
                        SQLDMOScript_Drops | SQLDMOScript_DRI_All |
                        SQLDMOScript_ToFileOnly |

   #script triggers separately
   foreach my $obj (in($tables)) {
       if (($obj->TypeOf()) == SQLDMOObj_UserTable) {
           my $triggers = $obj->Triggers();
           foreach my $tr (in($triggers)) {
               my $name = $tr->{Name};
               print "scripting trigger $name\n" if debug();
               $tr->Script(SQLDMOScript_Default |
                           SQLDMOScript_OwnerQualify |
SQLDMOScript_IncludeHeaders |
                           SQLDMOScript_Drops | SQLDMOScript_ToFileOnly |

   #script stored procs
   foreach my $obj (in($server->Databases($dbname)->StoredProcedures())) {
       my $name = $obj->{Name};
       print "scripting stored proc $name\n" if debug();
       if (substr($name, 0, 3) ne 'dt_') {
           $obj->Script(SQLDMOScript_Default | SQLDMOScript_IncludeHeaders |
                        SQLDMOScript_Drops | SQLDMOScript_ToFileOnly |

   #script UDFs
   foreach my $obj (in($server->Databases($dbname)->UserDefinedFunctions())) {
       my $name = $obj->{Name};
       print "scripting function $name\n" if debug();
       $obj->Script(SQLDMOScript_Default |
                    SQLDMOScript_IncludeHeaders | SQLDMOScript_Drops |
                    SQLDMOScript_ToFileOnly | SQLDMOScript_ObjectPermissions,

   #script views
   foreach my $obj (in ($server->Databases($dbname)->Views())) {
       my $name = $obj->{Name};
       print "scripting view $name\n" if debug();
       if ($obj->{Owner} ne 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA' and substr($name, 0,
3) ne 'sys') {
           $obj->Script(SQLDMOScript_Default |
                    SQLDMOScript_IncludeHeaders | SQLDMOScript_Drops |
                    SQLDMOScript_ToFileOnly | SQLDMOScript_ObjectPermissions,


sub printusage {
   print << '--Usage--';
   cmd>perl -S <SQL server or instance>
                            -d <database name>
                            -o <output file>
                            -u <SQL login>
                            -p <password>
}   #print usage

On 10/31/06, Quentin Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/31/06, M. Bitner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's a pretty good book. I used it to write a script to write out all
> of the tables, stored procs, triggers, functions, and views from our
> production databases so they could be stored in version control. It
> isn't quite what you want but I'd be happy to send it to you if it
> would help in any way.

I'd love to see it, if for no other reason than to see some successful
techniques that may give me other ideas.


-Quentin Hartman-
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