Confession time - I never did figure out how to use procmail, and looking at
procmail recipes makes my head hurt. Now I just want to set up a procmail
recipe to forward email to a different address. Very simple. This is the U
of O email, and they have it set up so that if you make a .forward file,
your email gets forwarded straight off the SMTP. That's fine and dandy,
however, they have a bunch of spam tagging and filtering that'd I like to
take advantage of, so I want to use a procmail script instead, so the mail
gets forwarded _after_ getting wrung through spam-assassin, etc.
I know my maildir, and I'm pretty sure I don't want any logging (since it
will be forwarding mail from here on out). 

Thanks in advance for what I hope is a simple recipe,

- Jason

Jason LaPier
Network Manager
University of Oregon

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