Holy Cow!! is all I have to say. 

Y'all rant a bit too much. There is this thing called
"AUTOMATIX" for Ubuntu. Everyone but Alan's wife would be just
fine using it. Heck, if you don't like the "legal status" of
some of that stuff then do your complaining to the copyright
holders and not the distro provider. A company doing business in
America is expected to follow the law even if it is seemingly
quite stupid.

One thing to do though would make a "Proprietary Packages"
alongside the "restricted drivers" in Ubuntu. That way you can
point and click Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Macromedia Flash,
Sun Java, & RealPlayer. Then for each you would be expected to
'Agree' the their licenses so you can install and use.
Win32Codecs would of course have to remain 'illegal' in the US
and therefore not offered in the "PP" solution but still
available through Automatix.

Problem solved eh? 

Mr O.

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