Sugar is Customer Relations. I just need a customer database so
I can document what I've done to their computers.

I'll investigate Plone and Alfresco as well. Downloading
Alfresco was a pain in the butt due to a "required" form. Lame
for a supposedly open source project.

--- Joseph Toman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Mark Turner wrote:  
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:20 AM, Mr O <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Is anyone using any sort of document management program on
linux? I'm looking for something that'd allow me to create a
file containing customer information (name, number, work
performed) and allow me to attach PDF files to the 'account'.
Something along the lines of a helpdesk but without creating
logins. Ideally it'd be a SQL database so it could be portable
and not dependent upon any ONE distro. Things I've looked at so
far: OTRS, Zimbra, SugarCRM. OTRS seems to have what I'm looking
for but wants more than I really want to give it. I may go ahead
and try to work with it but I'm also soliciting input.  
  It really sounds like you want a CRM, so I'm wondering what
Sugardidn't have that you want, or have that you didn't.

If you want a general document management system, Plone isn't
bad atall. Although it's often billed as a content management
system, when that content can be anything you want you end up
withdocument management. The backend is an object database
so that fits your transportable between different versions

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