----- Original Message ----- 

> I'm curious which of the DD-WRT specific features people
> find most useful.... What else?
> I've found that if you enable remote admin and don't bother
> changing the password, there are a lot of helpful people on the
internet that will help you configure it...

And add to that most people don't disable UPNP management in router config.
Linksky and firmware developers should make it so UPNP is disabled out of
the box. But then newbies could not use the "easy button" to set-up. So
security takes a back seat for ease of installation.

As Ben stated linksysinfo.org has resources and firmware comparisons,
descriptions of hardware diffs and pros and cons, and articles listing
serial numbers and hardware version numbers to help identify specific
hardware characteristics (you need to know to select third party firmware).

See the "firmware tracker" article for resources regarding third party
firmware support.

Note the site is not updated as often as it once was so the firmware
listings not very up-to-date. (since Jim Depew days) . Downloads area is
temporarily down.  No new articles, reviews or tutorials of recent vintage.

Since the start of the year almost all of the sites news is Cisco marketing
press releases. Besides a few mentions of Tomato firmware, not much news
about firmware releases

A little tweedy bird told me Cisco took some control away from original site
owners in return for site owner to continue to use the "linksys" brand in
their domain name (they retain all the Google and Amazon ad revenue but
can't say anything negative about Linksys or they lose the domain name).
Will need to ask Simon about that.

Anyway there is always the forums.

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