Time is approaching fast for a software system rebuild on my desktop
machine. My current set-up is largely a series of work-arounds to get
going again as quickly as possible after a motherboard replacement and
addition of a SATA drive to an existing EIDE. I still have hardware
issues to work past, but the current system is a WinXP host with
Kubuntu 8.04 and Mepis running as guests under Virtual Box.

My problem in essence is that I love to download and test drive
software but am not set up to do so without introducing instability to
the core system, particularly given that it is WinXP. So here's the
broad strokes fantasy for the rebuilt system in need of a reality

1.Host system: a minimalist Linux pretty much used only to host virtual guests.

2. Guest virtual systems:

a. Production Kubuntu 8.04 (not used for testing software);

b. Production WinXP (not used for testing software)

c. Other guest OS instances as desired for software testing and
playing purposes.

My production need for WinXP is actually fairly minimal; WordPerfect
and Isys Desktop search are my only "don't want to do without" Windows
apps, other than utilities needed to maintain WinXP. All of my other
production itches can be scratched on Linux. So a shared physical
partition for data seems workable, something I've done previously in
dual-boot scenarios without virtualization.

I don't know whether Microsoft will allow me to have dual virtual
instances of WinXP Pro (non-OEM version), but I could pick up a copy
of XP Home for my purposes. No interest in Vista.

Are there any obvious gotchas in the way of this scenario?

Best regards,


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