-----Original Message-----
From: James McEnanly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: I hope no one has bought Europa (yet)!

>I think you're thinking of a series stories by Arthur
>C. Clarke, in which a multinational Expedition
>(British. American and Soviet) land on the Moon. In
>one of them, a sodium flare is secretly fitted with a
>stencil that forms the name of a popular soft drink in
>the 1950's. Clarke never mentions it by name, but the
>commander of the British ship, used to drink a
>beverage, in a wasp-waisted bottle, until after the
>--- Jayme Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >>> In the meantime, I'm thankful we can still look
>> at the moon through telecopes without seeing the
>> golden arches of mcdonalds engraved somewhere on its
>> surface.  :)
>> Was it Pepsi or Coke or somebody who caught flack a
>> few years back for studying the feasability of
>> beaming a laser logo onto the surface of the moon to
>> be visible from Earth? Someone did. And someday
>> someone will go through with it for the stunt value
>> alone. Yuck.

Yep -- the 1958 story was called "Watch This Space", and the sodium jet was
ostensibly to produce a giant artificial aurora to study the Moon's
atmosphere.  As things turned out, "the L and As were a little distorted,
but the Cs and Os were perfect."  Just a matter of time, folks.

Bruce Moomaw

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