This Week on Galileo

                      May 7 - 13, 2001

This week sees a modest collection of engineering activities occupy
Galileo's attention, in addition to the continuing playback of data from
the tape recorder. On Thursday, the spacecraft performs an Orbit Trim
Maneuver (OTM), a rocket engine burn used to fine-tune the path of the
craft, and line it up for the next flyby of Callisto 15 days later. This is
the 94th such maneuver planned for the orbital mission since Galileo first
went into orbit around Jupiter in December 1995. Typically, three such
engine burns are planned during each orbit. The first comes 3 to 4 days
before the planned satellite flyby, and is used to fine tune the placement
of the spacecraft at closest approach. The second is usually executed 3 to
4 days after the flyby and is used to clean up any errors seen in the flyby
and to begin to shift the spacecraft towards the next encounter. The final
maneuver occurs near apojove, the farthest point from Jupiter, when a
relatively small expenditure of fuel can effect a relatively large change
in postion at the next perijove, or closest point to Jupiter. On long
orbits such as this one which has lasted nearly 5 months an additional
maneuver is planned 10 to 15 days before the flyby to remove any residual
errors in the trajectory. The Thursday OTM is one such additional maneuver.

On Friday the spacecraft is turned about 4.5 degrees to keep the
communications antenna pointed towards Earth. In addition, standard
maintenance is performed on the propulsion system. Even though the
propulsion system is used for both the OTM and the turn, any given activity
does not necessarily exercise all of the different engine nozzles and
valves. These periodic maintenance activities assure the engineers
responsible for maintaining the health of the system that each of the parts
works correctly, so that they are available when they are needed.

The playback of science data consists of the calibration observations
recorded two weeks ago. This week the Solid State Imaging (SSI) team
expects to see the results of their flat-field calibration, a series of
images which were taken of the Photometric Calibration Target (PCT). Its
main purposes are to assess the overall response of the camera to a light
source of known brightness and spectral properties, as well as to
characterize any spatial variation (i.e., variation from one pixel to the
next) in sensitivity over the entire area of the CCD.

For more information on the Galileo spacecraft and its mission to Jupiter,
please visit the Galileo home page at one of the following URL's:


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