In a message dated 10/8/2002 2:46:51 PM Alaskan Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

By the way, judging from Quaoar and Varuna, the names of the KBOs are
finally going to start honoring other human mythologies besides the Greek --
and about time, too.

Hailing from a largely Nordic background, I move for tossing the Greeks, and installing Norse gods instead.  After all, wouldn't you rather look up and see Valkyries in the sky, than a couple of musty, fusty Greco-Romans?

We'll rename Venus as Freya, Mars as Thor, or perhaps Tiw.  Earth I suppose we'll just call Midgard, and Jupiter of course shall be Odin.

Quoar?  Don't be ridiculous.  Why would we have a Skraeling name for a planetary body?

Anybody for a bit of Wagner, to go with their mead?

-- John 'Wulfgar' Byrne

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