On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, LARRY KLAES wrote:

> My question is, aside from most of our television programs,
> political and religious attitudes, and our general backwards
> behavior, what would or could we do to annoy such an
> advanced society to the point of earning their wrath?

Well, gee that sounds like enough to me.  Polluting the galactic
airwaves with I Love Lucy and The Honeymooners ought to get
us a pretty bad rep really quickly.... :-;

> I could see us being treated like bugs at a construction
> site as they reshape the galaxy to their liking, but otherwise
> I cannot imagine us being able to earn their attention,
> let alone their annoyance.  Assuming they would even
> get annoyed at that stage of development.

I suspect The Galactic Club (if they exist) would tend to
observe fairly closely and act preemptively if a race like
the Klingons were to appear on the horizon.

Its like the current situation with Iraq -- do you really
want to wait until Sadaam has used WMD before you take
action against him.  (I don't want to get into a debate on
this -- I'm just using it as an example.)

> Now a less advanced conquering species would be another
> story, but with 400 billion star systems to pick from for
> resources, I still have trouble with the aliens invade Earth
> to take our water and enslave humanity scenario.

Precisely.  It isn't a conquest scenario -- its an eliminate
a species that might not develop into a well behaved member
of the club scenario.  A species that potentially has the power to
produce a GRB in your local neighborhood (of course this takes
a lot of long term planning) *isn't* someone you want to be living

At our stage its probably a "Lets watch humanity and see if it outgrows
its adolescence" situation.


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