Title: Re: Discovery Channel
The contacts are:

Frank Carsey, JPL--"Frank D. Carsey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Scott Anderson, University of Hawaii--"F. Scott Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

NASA has funded and may continue to fund this type of work.  Proposals are in review and pending.  I think the Icepick group could contribute to this effort.  I'll write more later on ideas how this may be accomplished.


A program on the Discovery channel "95 Worlds and Counting" said that NASA was funding a crybot design and mission. (Had some very nice computer graphics of what it would look like and do as well) Is this still true? I thought they cut that funding a while ago. Considering future Europa missions is not the same thing as "funding" future robotic missions. If those designs are out there, where are they?

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