Please don't laugh just yet, but I may have a simple 'solution'. Recall that kerosene will keep the hole from re-freezing, and has been used for that purpose in the past. It's also a fuel. If enough oxygen is present in the ice or can be supplied (by hose or in situ water electrolysis?), then a fuel cell could make electricity from these. I know one cannot go about spilling kerosene everywhere, but it just goes in the hole, most of it could be pumped out later, and it's "for a good cause", since RTGs are a worse idea environmentally, assuming they were attainable.

For a demo, the only sufficient and practical energy source may be a surface generator with a long power cable. At nearly 500 kW (per Robert), the supply cable will not be small, and will thus require that the hole remain open. So, if you don't like kerosene, then pick your favorite anti-freeze and remember we are on a budget.

BTW, glaciers may be easier logistically, but ice sheets may be a better and easier Europa analog. Glaciers move, albeit slowly, and some have running water within and beneath, which could be a problem for spreading contaminants and losing bots.


At 08:38 AM 10/28/2002 -0800, you wrote:

It is worth noting that according to:

Slide #26 of 48, that the Hot-water jet drilling required 480kw of power.

That is *not* a small amount of power (its approximately equal to 24 homes
drawing their full power potential from the electrical grid [assuming 200
amp service]).

You will need a *lot* of power to melt the ice.  You have a choice
of going quickly (and needing to provide such power) or going slowly
and *still* needing to provide the power.


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