----- Original Message -----
To: europa
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 10:54 AM
Subject: Fw: Latest News from the Astrobiology Magazine

The Jupiter probe, Galileo, is this week's selection for the Extreme
Explorers Hall of Fame. In the next ten days, the robotic spacecraft flies
within 100 miles of the unusual moon, Almathea, which gives off more heat
than it receives. As Galileo has filled its mission objectives and is
running low on maneuvering fuel, NASA plans to crash the spacecraft into
Jupiter during 2003.

Dear God, why do they always call it "Almathea"?  As for that persistent
story that the Voyagers' IR measurements show it emitting excess heat: it's
intriguing, but I've never heard anything about Galileo confirming it.  I'll
ask Phil Stooke (arguably the leading Amalthea specialist) about it.

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