----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 5:34 AM
Subject: Latest News from the Astrobiology Magazine

Investigating Endurance Crater

NASA's Opportunity rover has spent the past few weeks exploring Endurance Crater in Meridiani Planum. Steve Squyres, principal investigator for the rover mission, spoke recently with Astrobiology Magazine's managing editor Henry Bortman, and explained what scientists have learned so far from their study of the crater.

Dirty Dozen Wheels Down

Steve Squyres summarizes his first half-year on Mars, as the mission progressed from first images to twelve wheels roaming the red planet.

The Martian Marathon

Twin rovers on opposite sides of the planet have nearly opposite terrain in front of them. Spirit looks to climb the largest hills in sight, while Opportunity looks to descend into the largest crater in sight. As Spirit has already exceeded twice its nominal lifespan, the surprising images continue to roll in from the red planet.

Spirit Explores the Columbia Hills

After a long trek across the floor of Gusev Crater, NASA's Spirit rover arrived late last month at the base of the Columbia Hills. Scientists believe that the hills are older than the surrounding plain, and holds clues to Gusev's more-distant past. In this exclusive interview with Astrobiology Magazine, Steve Squyres, principal investigator for the rover mission, discusses why the hills are important, what is known about them so far, and what remains to be puzzled out.

Wednesday, July 07

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